
这学习,led by SickKids, sequences the entire genomes of more than 11,000 individuals, offering new insights into the genetics that underlie autism spectrum disorder.


新利luck娱乐在线自闭症会说MSSNG数据库, the world’s largest autism whole-genome dataset, recently provided researchers from The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) with access to thousands of sequenced genomes, allowing them to uncover new genes and genetic changes associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the largest autism whole-genome sequencing (WGS) analysis to date. The findings offer a better understanding into the ‘genomic architecture’ that underlies autism.

学习,recently published in细胞,使用全基因组测序来检查7,000多名自闭症患者的整个基因组以及另外13,000名兄弟姐妹和家庭成员。该小组发现了134个与ASD相关的基因,并发现了一系列遗传变化,最著名的是基因拷贝数变异(CNV),可能与自闭症有关,包括大约14%的自闭症参与者中与ASD相关的稀有变体。

“We are excited to see this advanced genomic data emerge from theMSSNG数据库。这些信息将有助于我们了解自闭症的异质性,并指导我们开发个性化医疗保健,从而改善自闭症患者及其家人的生活质量。新利luck娱乐在线“我们感谢愿意共享数据并创建MSSNG数据库的家庭和支持者,以帮助自闭症社区。”

这study’s authors have further noted that the use of WGS allowed researchers to uncover variant types that would not have otherwise been detectable. These variant types include complex rearrangements of DNA, as well as tandem repeat expansions, a finding supported by最近的病态研究on the link between autism and DNA segments that are repeated many times. The role of the maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA was also examined in the study and found to account for 2% of autism.


新利luck娱乐在线Autism Speaks为MSSNG在提供关键见解方面的作用而感到自豪,这些见解能够与研究领域的领导者进行协作和负责任的共享。Sickkids的研究利用MSSNG的能力来增进对自闭症的了解,并为更好的诊断和更加准确的干预措施铺平道路,并重要地向个人和家庭提供信息,以做出有关其健康的更明智的决定。


新利luck娱乐在线自闭症说话is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. We do this through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions. To find resources, join an event or make a donation, go towww.wnmstudio.com。Learn more by following @AutismSpeaks on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

