Catching up with Seth M.

January 24, 2023

Now 15, the autistic Atlanta native continues his fitness journey with help from his family

When we last heard fromSeth M. during World Autism Monthlast year, he was crushing his weight loss goals with the help of a regimented exercise plan and healthy eating habits. Thanks in large part to his mom, Muhsinah, who always has her son’s best interests in mind, Seth lost a whopping 70 pounds in the first year of his journey and continues to improve his overall health and wellness through exercise, school and an assortment of extracurricular activities.

Seth's amazing weight loss

Read about Seth’s personal growth in this blog from his mom.

Seth and his mom

“Seth continues to make strides with his overall healing journey. He still walks and is soon to start basic weight training with his big brothers, who are always encouraging him in many ways. So far, he’s maintained his weight loss and has been growing like a weed. In addition, Seth still plays on the Sunshine League baseball team for those with special needs and participates in Special Olympics of Georgia, so we are always pushing him to stay active.

Unfortunately, we missed last year’s Autism Speak Walk, an event which we hold near and dear to our hearts and have used as inspiration during our fitness journey through the years. I experienced a bout with long COVID-19, so we were unable to make it, but needless to say ‘Seth’s Soldiers’ are expecting a huge gathering for this year’s upcoming Walk. Seth did host a golf tournament with a local program that benefitted those with autism and exposed them to sports and other physical activities. I couldn’t be prouder of the young man he’s becoming.

Today, Seth is in the eighth grade and attends a special needs private school called Our World where he focuses on the educational part of his personal journey. I’m proud to report that he made the honor roll the past two years and continues to push boundaries and amaze us with his inner strength.

He’s also written a book based on his life called, ‘Seth Can Do All Things!’ He wrote it in hopes of providing hope to others just like him who may be facing challenges but also hold unlimited potential within them. He’s signed books for the community and done group readings at school. He plans to release his second book, ‘Seth Can Be Tech Savvy!’ this April through, so everybody be on the lookout!”

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