

今天的“有问题?”全国儿童医院儿童发展中心和俄亥俄州立大学的儿童心理学家Rebecca Hellenthal和Megan Norris的反应。医院和大学是自闭症的13个地点,说自闭症治疗网络。新利luck娱乐在线

I teach in a self-contained classroom for students who have autism. I hear a lot about kids with autism being victims of bullying. But can they be bullies themselves? One of my students tends to get physically aggressive and scare other students away when he wants something such as art materials or games. Advice greatly appreciated.

Editor’s note: The following information is not meant to diagnose or treat and should not take the place of personal consultation, as appropriate, with a qualified healthcare professional and/or behavioral therapist.

Great question! You’re right that we often hear about children with autism being bullied – not so much about them bullying others. It helps to remind ourselves that every person on the spectrum is unique. They can demonstrate the full range of behavioral and emotional difficulties we see in people who don’t have autism.

So the answer to your question is “yes,” this can include bullying behavior – or at least what appears to be bullying. It’s important to keep in mind that someone who has autism may not realize that his aggressive behavior frightens other people. We also know that autism-related behavior problems often stem from an inability to communicate needs or wants.


  • 获得所需的活动或物体,例如您描述的艺术材料
  • avoiding something unpleasant such as an assignment or disturbing sensory stimuli
  • getting attention
  • enjoying a calming or otherwise pleasant sensory experience



Prevention.When possible, prevention is a particularly effective strategy. In the situation you describe, some strategies to consider include:

  • Stock extras of the games, art supplies and other materials that this student wants, so he doesn’t feel the need to compete for them.
  • 当您看到他将要恐吓和/或从另一个学生那里抢东西的迹象时,准备重定向他的注意力。
  • 询问学生他想做什么,并陪伴他获得所需的材料 - 在此过程中向其他学生展示礼貌的行为。
  • Use words or visual supports (picture cards) to remind the student of rules (waiting turns, no pushing, no grabbing, etc.) before starting an activity

回复。Ideally, you want to work with the student’s behavioral therapist or another professional who specializes in developing behavior plans that address challenging behaviors. Together you can personalize an intervention that considers the intensity of the student’s behaviors, how often and how long they’ve been occurring and what exactly occurs.






The importance of turn taking

Here are some strategies for teaching turn taking that we recommend:

If your student is verbal, encourage him to request a turn. He can start by practicing with a teacher. For instance, encourage him to approach a teacher and ask, “Can I have a turn?” or “My turn, please.” Praise and reward him for any attempt and each small step toward success.


Next, we suggest teaching him what to do when he needs to wait for his turn. Keep it simple. We suggest offering two alternate activities that you know he enjoys. Visual supports can be particularly helpful for this strategy. For instance, you can offer him two cards with pictures of the alternative activities that he can do while he waits his turn.

如果您感觉学生需要帮助理解转弯的概念,请考虑使用教学故事 - 也称为社会叙事或社会故事。社交故事使用图像和简单的文本来帮助传达诸如whywe take turns and如何it works.

You candownload a template for a teaching story about turn takingfrom the Autism Speaks website.该模板带有图片,您可以轻松地交换这些图片,以为您的学生和教室个性化故事。(请参阅上面的示例页面。)

  • Use a timer to help the student understand when it’s his turn. In simple language, explain he can take his turn when the timer rings. Consider pairing the timer with a simple visual support. This can be a card with the word GO on a green background on one side and the word STOP on a red background on the other side.
  • Remember reward all efforts and each small step toward success. Rewards can include praise, stickers, a small prize or tokens on a “reward board” that earn a favorite activity or larger prize.


We hope these suggestions are helpful. Please let us know how you’re doing by emailing us atgotquestions@autismspeaks.org。再次感谢您的好问题。



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