

自闭症反应团队member J-Jaye and her family

我喜欢假期 - 访问亲戚,气味,歌曲和混乱!但是,我17岁的儿子杰克逊(Jackson)拥有深刻的自闭症,并没有分享我的所有热情。多年来,我学会了调整我对庆祝假期应该做的事情的期望,而只是为儿子和我们的家人做最有效的事情。希望我们的一些策略对您有所帮助!


Teaching Stories can be a huge help around the holidays – from filling up the days off from school, to a holiday party at a friend’s house or a visit to Santa at the mall. There are many premade stories available online that can help your child prepare for upcoming holiday celebrations. You can also make your own using your smartphone orour website

减轻压力 - 为您和您的孩子

请记住,您患有自闭症的孩子通常能够掌握您的“ Fa-la-la压力”。重要的是要在这里和那里自己花几分钟,因此您可以将混乱水平保持在最低度假胜地。深呼吸,拥抱,一杯咖啡,或者仅在洗手间仅几分钟就可以努力进行!

Bring a bag of familiar items or games to new places



Hurley kids with autism-friendly Santa

Hopefully, your extended family will want to make things easier on your travels and visits. Let them know HOW they can help and what can often be expected from your child. Jackson likes to verbally stim and flap, and that can often get strange looks. It is always good to share things your child likes/dislikes/etc so that your family can help him/her feel more at ease in their home. Sometimes we wear our Autism Speaks bracelet or hat to help educate others around us in the mall or grocery store. We also take advantage of sensory friendly events around us, likeSanta Careswhich Autism Speaks does with Cherry Hill Programs around the country. You can learn more about thisautism-friendly Santa event near you hereand find other local events在我们的日历上

Try to maintain a routine when possible


Create a safety plan

One of the scariest aspects of Jackson’s autism is his elopement. He has wandered away from our house on several occasions. It is more important than ever during busy holiday times and crowded parties that someone has “assigned eyes” on your child. At home, we now have a complete alarm system, but we have a portable alarm we use in hotels or at other homes for his bedroom on the go. You can learn more aboutwandering prevention在我们的网站上。

Provide a favorite food just for him/her on the special day

In the past, we have had more meltdowns over food (or lack thereof) than I care to remember. Traditional holiday foods of turkey and ham, cranberry sauce and pecan pie may sound delicious to me – but my son won’t eat any of that. Instead of having his Grandma be insulted by not eating her special dinner, we always make sure to have 1 or 2 dishes that are “Jackson approved” so we know he can join us at the holiday table – even if it is guacamole and refried beans!


Perhaps you are flying for the first time or you are going on a longer car ride than normal. Make sure to prepare early and put in place special plans for your child. Autism Speaks has great旅行资源在我们的网站上,我总是鼓励家人致电TSA Cares,以便可以为他们的飞行提供住宿。在假日旅行期间,机场比平常忙碌,更大声。您可以使用以下社交故事,”Adventures with Autism: The Airport Experience!" prepared by Autism Speaks, JetBlue and Wyndham Worldwide, or you can create your own.

Provide a safe, calm space if your child gets overwhelmed


Take a big breath and enjoy new holiday traditions with your loved ones


当杰克逊(Jackson)在2岁时首次被诊断出去时,我多年来让我不喜欢在圣诞节与我们其他人一起拆开礼物。现在,我已经学会了将他的所有礼物放在一个大礼物袋中,这样他就可以在整天或下周愿意将它们拉出来!我也想念将特殊的装饰品放在我的树上(他把它们全部放下,经常在上面放上随机的物品!),但是我们现在添加额外的灯光,花环和缎带,使我们的树一样美丽。我们的新圣诞节前夕例行活动涉及到灯光秀,因为他喜欢看灯光。这可能不是每个人都有的假期,但这是杰克逊和整个家庭的依据。假期是在一起的时候 - 分享笑声和庆祝家庭。请记住,对于任何人来说,假期并不是完美的(只要问Ole Clark Griswold!),请一起享受这次,搭配奶酪单装饰品和所有东西!

About the author

J-Jaye Hurley是自闭症的成员新利luck娱乐在线自闭症反应团队(ART), which can provide you with tools, resources and information to help you and your family navigate the world of autism. She is also a lover of explanation points! She has never met a sentence or situation where she cannot use them. And we are all the better for her enthusiasm. You will be too if you reach out to us and connect with her. Find out how:

How to contact ART

Call our toll-free number or send us an email – we’re available Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. in all time zones. Live chat is also available between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. ET.

Your call will be routed to the team member for your region. We also have a dedicated Spanish language toll-free number.

1-888-AUTISM2 (1-888-288-4762)

En Español: 1-888-772-9050

Tenemos una función de chat dedicada para los constituyentes de habla hispana disponible de 9 a.m. a 5 p.m. de lunes a viernes en todas las zonas horarias. Para chatear en español con un asociado de ART,Haga ClicAquí
