2021 Advocacy Highlights

December 30, 2021



随着该国今年继续与Covid-19斗争,我们坚持不懈地努力通过与我们的基层参与并直接与国会议员进行权衡,以应对自闭症个人及其家人面临的独特挑战,以帮助提供与COVID相关的政策解决方案。。由于我们的志愿者倡导大使,社区支持者,其他残疾人团体和来自全国各地的基层倡导者的聆听,the American Rescue Plan was passed and signed into law in early 2021,,,,针对自闭症社区的几个紧急优先事项并提供:

  • Over $12.6 billion in emergency funding for home and community-based services (HCBS);
  • 30亿美元的专用资金主意programs;
  • 16岁以上家属的刺激性支付为1,400美元,标志着17岁及以上的首次受抚养人有资格获得刺激支付;和
  • 扩大自闭症服务和支持的远程医疗服务和其他灵活性。





记录的90名美国众议院成员签署了to congressional leaders in support of a significant increase in autism research funding.这是签署有关自闭症研究和服务拨款信件的最多成员。我们的志愿者倡导者在确保全国各地的两党代表团体的支持方面发挥了关键作用。


  • A $10 million increase in funding for autism-related activities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).这将是十年来与自闭症相关活动的CDC资金的首次增加。
  • A substantial increase in funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH); and for the first time, a specific呼吁国会NIH投资自闭症研究的关键差距,包括整个生命周期的服务,种族/族裔差异以及自闭症患者以更高比率体验的同时发生的健康状况。
  • 额外的资金以支持与自闭症相关的活动,卫生资源和服务管理局(HRSA),包括帮助培训未来卫生专业人员的计划,为自闭症患者提供更好的医疗服务。


新利luck娱乐在线自闭症说倡导者的集体行动导致国会办公室收到14,000封支持家庭和基于社区服务的资金历史增长(HCB)。由于自闭症的倡导和全国其他残疾基层倡导者的倡导新利luck娱乐在线,美国众议院在HCBS上通过了1500亿美元的投资,这是Build Back Better Act的一部分,以及额外的资金,以增加提供家庭和基于社区的直接支持工人的数量支持这是一个里程碑的第一步,随着国会继续努力寻找最终的社会支出计划协议,E将继续与国会办公室合作,以实现改善家庭和社区服务的承诺。


Our state government affairs staff worked across the country on behalf of people with autism and their families. Among a variety of state policy issues and initiatives, two major areas of progress were transition age services and access to health care services. We led the charge in Nebraska to pass a law that lowered the minimum age at which Individualized Education Plan (IEP) transition planning must begin. We supported similar legislation in Florida and set the stage for future action on transition planning in California. In North Carolina, new legislation to create a professional license for BCBAs should expand access to and reduce costs of treatment for children with autism. Similarly, our work in Texas to raise the Medicaid reimbursement rate for autism services will increase access to care through a more adequate provider network.

California:We advocated to lower the state’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) minimum-required transition planning age from 16 years old to 14 years old/freshman year. This policy change was included in recommendations of a legislatively created task force that will sponsor two related state bills in the 2022 state session. We will advocate for passage of the bill containing our language.

Florida:We supported a new law that further lowers the age at which high school students’ IEP teams are required to begin transition planning from age 14 (which was already below the national standard of age 16) to students’ seventh-grade year or when they turn 12 years old, whichever happens first. We also advocated for the passage of legislation which prohibits the use of seclusion and limits the use of restraint with special education students in Florida public schools.


伊利诺伊州我们努力解决儿童医疗补助计划中缺乏有意义的对某些自闭症服务的访问并分发有关如何获得发育残疾豁免服务的指南in light of changes to the database that registers individuals who seek or may have future need for DD Waiver services.

俄克拉荷马州The Oklahoma Insurance Department issued a bulletin whichremoved the state’s caps on coverage for autism therapies and treatments.Itnullified《州保险法》每周25个应用行为分析(ABA)治疗时间的最大收益为ABA每年25,000美元的上限,根据联邦法律指出,这两者都歧视。它还将州法律的诊断年龄限制视为歧视性。

North Carolina bill signing
North Carolina bill signing

内布拉斯加州我们与立法冠军合作,并带领一个联盟通过了一项新法律,从而降低了IEP的最低年龄transition planning必须从14岁或大一开始。

纽约:纽约迈出了一小步improving access to ABA therapy services for Medicaid-enrolled children。我们将继续与州机构和民选官员合作,以确保该计划的结构和相关的报销率足够,并将为ABA服务提供有意义的访问权限。


Ohio:多亏了拥护者和合作伙伴的帮助,俄亥俄州增加了funding for the state’s Autism Scholarship Program。该计划帮助家庭有机会选择最能满足孩子个性化需求的教育,治疗和行为服务。

Texas:德克萨斯教育局rolled out补充特殊教育服务(SSE)适用于自闭症和其他残疾学生,这为合格的父母/看护者提供了资金,以解决COVID-19-19学校关闭的影响。我们还领导了一个积极主张改善州医疗补助儿童自闭症的联盟。卫生与公共服务委员会由此造成的工作提高了ABA的报销率,以创建更充分的提供者网络。

Elevating the Voices of Advocates Across the Country


提倡s preparing for virtual Hill meetings
Advocacy Forum 2022

三月,来自42个州和华盛顿特区的200名倡导者参加了我们的Virtual 2021倡导论坛和山日。In a single day, they collectively attended over 180 virtual Capitol Hill meetings with members of Congress and/or staff. Through storytelling, they portrayed their every-day autism experiences and explained the positive impact that members of Congress would have by supporting our policy requests for additional COVID-relief and federal funding for autism research and services.

此外,超过375位志愿者倡导大使在倡导全年的领导下表现出领导地位to their federal legislators through monthly communications and regular meetings with members of Congress and/or their staff.

你们每个人 - 通过向民选官员和讲故事的捐款,电子邮件或电话,都帮助我们助长了我们的使命。我们感谢您和您的倡导者的集体行动,我们期待代表2022年自闭症社区推进新政策。

Happy New Year from your Autism Speaks Advocacy Team!


您也可以通过电话或电子邮件与自闭症响应团队联系:888-288-4762,EN ESPANOL 888-772-7050或help@autismspeaks.org